Do your parents understand what you do in your job?
The answer I got to this last Friday, was a lot of laughter. The #UXConVienna gathered UX and UI designers, developers and researchers - so to put it parent-friendly: the ones who try to understand how users and consumers tick to create the best possible experience for them when using a service or product.
Two of my highlights: Thom Dubé, design director at Edenspiekermann held a pretty awesome keynote speech - including tic toc girls, the apocalypse & the fear of his dog eating a banana peel and dying. He admitted that sometimes the work of a designer feels more like that of a therapist who needs to invite his clients onto his sofa to help them navigate the change they need to implement. Let Dr. Thom help you to suck less at change.
Frank Bach, lead product designer at Headspace Inc., admittedly one of my favourite apps and out of my point of view a brilliant user experience, did a guided meditation with us - and shared that even he doesn’t manage to meditate every day.
In the end, our entire life is made out of experiences. Hence it's so important to truly think them through and make them as user-friendly, efficient and meaningful as possible. Might it be an app we use, an event we go to - or maybe even the next Sunday lunch with our parents. ;-)