We live in an ever more digital, ever more connected world. With every step in the digital sphere - we create data. And this data is mainly owned by the big players, none of them based in Europe.
So last month, OSSBIG Austria (the Open Source Software Business Innovation Group) organized their yearly conference, questioning how we can reach more self-determination in the digital economy.
Amongst others, big data rockstar Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger passionately called for more courage and less fear by trying to understand the world better, Thomas Lohninger stood up for a "digital humanism" where technology serves human needs and not the other way around and the speakers agreed that public data has to serve the protection of private data.
I could learn a great deal by moderating this very timely debate and say thanks to Georg Hahn for inviting me to do so.
Pics of only smiling faces by the great Zsolt Marton.